This selection from Hélène’s Sanguinetti’s Et voici la chanson is revolutionary in its use of language: unexpected punctuation, mixed verb tenses, and awkward juxtapositions drop the reader into a world that enchants and disturbs.
Hélène Sanguinetti is author of Domaine des englués (La Lettre Volée, 2017); Et voici la chanson (L'Amandier, 2012), Le Héros (Flammarion, 2008), Alparegho, Pareil-à-rien(Comp'Act 2005; second edition L'Amandier, 2015), D'ici, de ce berceau (Flammarion, 2003), and De la main gauche, exploratrice (Flammarion, 1999). Nominated for the Prix des Découvreurs, her work has received critical acclaim in Le Monde, Le Figaro Littéraire, and Le Nouvel Observateur.
Ann Cefola is author of Free Ferry (Upper Hand Press, 2017) and Face Painting in the Dark (Dos Madres Press, 2014); translator of Sanguinetti’s The Hero (Chax Press, 2018) and Hence, this cradle (Seismicity Editions, 2007); and recipient of the Witter Bynner Poetry Translation Residency from the Santa Fe Arts Institute, and Robert Penn Warren Award judged by John Ashbery.